Meeting and competition of glass grinding masters with accompanying programs organized by Bohemia Machine Světlá nad Sázavou (now BMRC Group s.r.o.) in the Bomma and Rückl glassworks.
Svetelsko has been a typical region of cut crystal for centuries. Due to the fact that our activities were focused on grinding machines, we wanted to promote and support this traditional field and thus attract the young generation and the general public. Furthermore, we wanted to highlight ordinary craftsmen and artists working in this difficult but beautiful field - no other competition or meeting is held in this direction. Last but not least, we want to make the power of Czech grinding visible on a global scale and also emphasize the quality of Bohemia Machine grinding machines and aids. We also remember future artists, grinders, glassmakers. Students of secondary glass schools also have the opportunity to demonstrate their art. It competes in the categories of hand grinding - compulsory creation, hand grinding - free creation, machine grinding. An inseparable accompanying program is glass jamming at the Bomma glassworks. Given that the grinding symposium held in Světlá nad Sázavou is the largest meeting of grinding masters in the world, we dared to rename this competition in 2020 to the World Glass Grinding Championships. We believe that this event deserves it and that it will draw even more attention to itself.